Subsequently, an overnight charge or a charge whileyou are at work when the low battery (Bat-Low) warningappears on the display is all that is necessary. Repeating this rapid discharge/full charge cyclethree or four times is not a bad idea and results in theNiCads reaching their full capacity of 7 to 9 hours normalusage. toswitch the charger off - up to 16 hours once in a while willnot hurt. As overcharging: is not undulyharmful it is not necessary to set the alarm for 3 am. Oneother thing to remember - if you use the AR9ooUK duringthe charging cycle, then the charging time should beincreased to compensate. The same thing applies to theinitial charge - it will take several minutes to start coming tolife again, but after that there is no reason why you should notuse it, but I would be inclined to leave the dial light 017'. Notethat during the initial discharge you can use the ARQOOUICbut it will, in all probability soon start to die on you as thebattery gets flatter and flatter. This fulldischarge/charge cycle at the outset minimises this problemand ensures that optimum battery usage is achieved. Nickel Cadmium (NiCad) batteries may acquire what hasbeen described as a “memory” which subsequently gives riseto difficulty in charging them fully.